List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
5GG B Pentanet Limited 0.050 66.67 56.592 1,009,889
LSA F Lachlan Star Ltd 0.050 -3.85 74.259 293,641
ALV F Alvo Minerals Limited 0.050 0.00 91.760 176,840
BMM F Balkan Mining and Minerals Ltd 0.050 0.00 23.576 348,719
EVS D Envirosuite Limited 0.051 -1.92 15.000 446,337
MAG C Magmatic Resources Ltd   0.052 0.00 89.933 444,017
PTX B Prescient Therapeutics Ltd   0.052 4.00 22.268 722,948
ADC D ACDC Metais Ltd 0.053 0.00 22.551 154,420
WRK D wrkr Ltd 0.053 3.92 28.791 629,983
CCM C Cadoux Ltd 0.053 6.00 19.853 174,391
RHT D Resonance Health Limited   0.053 0.00 38.251 367,514
MNB D Minbos Resources Ltd   0.054 0.00 20.394 1,844,612
SKY B Sky Metals Limited 0.054 0.00 8.679 406,148
AW1 D American West Metals Ltd 0.055 -3.51 31.048 1,794,944
FGR B First Graphite Ltd   0.055 -6.78 127.751 657,854
CBE D Cobre Limited 0.055 3.77 11.450 415,266
ITM F iTech Minerals Ltd 0.055 -3.51 32.862 287,985
AMA C AMA Group Ltd   0.056 0.00 8.511 4,308,475
IPD C Impedimed Limited   0.056 1.82 9.057 841,578
IG6 C International Graphite Ltd 0.056 -3.45 44.227 232,477

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