Earliest available date is 2022-04-22. Please choose that date or later.

Stocks Making: Shooting Star Candlestick on

The shooting star is made up of one candlestick (white or black) with a small body, long upper shadow and small or nonexistent lower shadow.

Related Scans: Reversal Japanese Candlestick Bearish Possible Reversal
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Pro Scan

Results have been limited to 9 of the 23 matching stocks. For full access to this scan you must sign up for a Free Account
Symbol Grade Close % Change Volume Vol Surge
L1M D 0.090 21.62 2,327,916 20.42
CAJ D 0.220 -4.35 8,233,838 7.39
EXR A 0.140 7.69 10,393,751 3.64
MRL D 0.195 0.00 744,317 3.27
FWD D 1.440 0.00 195,336 1.67
WA1 A 17.000 1.13 496,779 1.66
MOT A 2.270 0.00 676,020 1.20
DXB A 0.295 1.72 4,740,993 1.10
EML C 1.025 0.00 2,696,412 1.03
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