Stocks which Triggered: Possible Pocket Pivot Intraday Alert

Stocks which ***might be*** forming a Pocket Pivot. A pocket pivot is when a stock closes up and the volume for that day is higher than any volume for a down day in the prior 10 days. ***Note that this can not be confirmed until the end of the day, as it's based on the closing price.*** *** Filtered by your default parameters: Minimum Price: 0.05, Maximum Price: 999999.0, Minimum Volume: 100000
*** Changes to the filters below will only be applied for Gold or Platinum Plan subscribers ***

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Stock Grade % Change Processed At
PXA A 0.95
ASG B 0.00
MGF A 0.46
NAM A 1.66
TOR C 6.45
BGL B 5.40
MKR D 0.00
PSI A 0.00
CCM C 12.90
HGO A 1.95

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