Companies Reporting Earnings on

Symbol Grade Name Close Avg Volume
29M C 29Metals Limited 0.500 4,107,555
AEE F Aura Energy Limited   0.170 2,852,718
ALQ A ALS Ltd   13.930 907,179
BAS C Bass Oil Ltd   0.068 393,824
BDM F Burgundy Diamond Mines Limited 0.160 865,780
BRN D Brainchip Holdings Ltd   0.265 8,996,966
DSE C Dropsuite Ltd   0.270 523,411
EOS D Electro Optic Systems Hldg Ltd 1.490 699,507
FPH A Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd   26.370 320,790
JHX C James Hardie Industries plc   54.830 853,443
MM1 F Midas Minerals Limited 0.067 103,685
OFX B OFX Group Ltd   1.605 444,427
TNE C Technology One Limited   15.850 710,961
VEA C Viva Energy Group Limited 3.380 4,715,728

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