List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
WOW F Woolworths Limited   30.720 -0.19 7.535 2,653,614
HAS F Hastings Technology Metals Ltd   0.285 5.56 32.660 503,610
MM1 F Midas Minerals Limited 0.064 0.00 24.294 106,165
SOM F Somnomed Limited   0.200 -9.09 14.070 315,088
SPK F Spark New Zealand Ltd   3.970 1.28 12.515 892,488
VIT F Vitura Health Limited 0.098 5.38 87.047 679,102
ACQ F Acorn Capital Investment Fund Ltd   0.810 0.62 9.481 109,590
MI6 F Minerals 260 Limited 0.145 3.57 15.333 137,825
GRE F GreenTech Metals Limited 0.180 -7.69 40.371 187,350
TNY F Tinybeans Group Ltd   0.065 -2.99 116.213 167,784
CNU F Chorus Ltd   6.550 0.46 8.512 448,484
LFS F Latitude Group Holdings Limited 1.150 -0.86 2.907 238,645
PPK F PPK Group Limited   0.415 -6.74 25.552 108,558
TNC F True North Copper Ltd 0.067 -2.90 53.846 1,251,486
NDO F Nido Education Limited 0.905 -1.63 6.914 203,163
C29 F C29 Metals Limited 0.071 -1.39 19.945 363,229
MVP F Medical Developments International Ltd   0.445 0.00 40.881 219,479
SPL F Starpharma Holdings Limited   0.120 -4.00 18.196 432,425
LDX F Lumos Diagnostics Holdings Limited 0.050 0.00 29.779 2,839,505
BSX F Blackstone Minerals Ltd 0.050 -1.96 29.965 572,263

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