List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
KMD F Kathmandu Holdings Ltd   0.405 -2.41 28.110 460,806
CSS F Clean Seas Seafood Ltd   0.235 0.00 24.896 385,462
DGL F DGL Group Limited 0.592 0.34 10.837 336,118
VTX F Vertex Minerals Limited 0.081 0.00 14.486 148,697
GAP F Gale Pacific Limited   0.125 -3.85 36.698 101,267
PBH F POINTSBET HOLDINGS LIMITED 0.440 0.00 108.689 1,004,963
GDA F Good Drinks Australia Ltd 0.285 0.00 12.924 115,219
SOR F Strategic Elements Ltd   0.061 0.00 13.397 232,989
ARX F Aroa Biosurgery Limited 0.485 -3.00 12.710 241,167
ATX F Amplia Therapeutics Limited 0.060 5.26 46.554 137,287
AVA F Ava Risk Group Limited 0.125 -1.96 12.614 373,780
FBU F Fletcher Building Limited (Australia)   2.645 -3.82 27.168 742,846
VRS F Veris Ltd 0.051 0.00 30.156 199,468
HZR F Hazer Group Ltd   0.480 2.13 8.584 204,706
CRN F Coronado Global Resources Inc 1.130 -1.31 12.634 2,533,114
TOT F 360 Capital Total Return Fund   0.400 0.00 10.874 175,547
CHL F Camplify Holdings Limited 1.145 -21.58 36.252 306,675
IEL F Idp Education Ltd   17.020 7.18 5.216 1,837,425
DMP F Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd.   39.045 2.64 7.225 355,099
PPE F People Infrastructure Ltd   0.930 1.09 19.596 261,662

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