List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
LMG D Latrobe Magnesium Limited   0.050 0.00 10.297 636,000
PTX D Prescient Therapeutics Ltd   0.050 0.00 28.276 1,150,257
EQR D EQ Resources Limited 0.050 0.00 20.000 575,232
DCC D Digitalx Ltd   0.050 0.00 33.003 4,140,729
LDX F Lumos Diagnostics Holdings Limited 0.050 0.00 34.401 2,241,691
AX8 A Accelerate Resources Limited 0.050 0.00 35.849 1,070,802
NOV F Novatti Group Ltd   0.050 0.00 26.667 274,818
NYM D Narryer Metals Limited 0.050 0.00 5.159 111,578
HE8 C Helios Energy Ltd   0.051 0.00 16.996 386,971
FBM F Future Battery Minerals Limited 0.051 0.00 17.196 818,757
CCE B Carnegie Clean Energy Ltd   0.051 0.00 9.615 109,694
POD A Podium Minerals Limited 0.051 0.00 41.037 556,504
TM1 C Terra Metals Limited 0.051 0.00 0.000 879,820
DUB F Dubber Corp Ltd   0.051 0.00 238.687 2,119,731
EUR F European Lithium Ltd 0.051 0.00 39.469 2,434,804
EMD F Emerald Clinics Limited 0.052 0.00 30.450 265,345
NOR A Norwood Systems Ltd   0.052 0.00 13.608 303,109
CXM F Centrex Metals Limited   0.052 0.00 22.712 1,148,274
ALC B Alcidion Group Ltd   0.052 0.00 32.842 1,337,592
EVS D Envirosuite Limited 0.052 0.00 12.926 548,974

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