List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
RHY F Rhythm Biosciences Limited 0.082 0.00 21.525 157,985
GT1 F Green Technology Metals Ltd 0.105 5.00 27.950 774,793
CXO F Core Exploration Ltd   0.140 0.00 18.206 17,637,770
CDX F CardieX Limited 0.054 0.00 49.631 513,251
HAS F Hastings Technology Metals Ltd   0.310 1.64 22.823 440,824
IR1 F IRIS Metals Limited 0.320 4.92 54.595 392,108
NXD F Nexted Group Limited 0.280 5.66 15.802 383,186
HVY F Heavy Minerals Limited 0.062 0.00 17.666 128,338
COB F Cobalt Blue Holdings Ltd   0.090 1.12 83.439 806,168
MI6 F Minerals 260 Limited 0.145 0.00 12.360 128,761
PNN F Pepinnini Lithium Ltd   0.115 4.55 46.662 169,096
DUB F Dubber Corp Ltd   0.049 -2.00 270.388 2,253,484
GL1 F Global Lithium Resources Limited 0.370 -3.90 34.492 572,706
WOA F WIDE OPEN AGRICULTURE LTD 0.085 -1.16 40.161 135,473
PAR F Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Ltd 0.250 2.04 26.406 648,348
EV1 F Evolution Energy Minerals Ltd 0.073 1.39 28.894 169,765
FL1 F First Lithium Limited 0.210 2.44 30.124 132,217
RTR F Rumble Resources Ltd   0.051 -7.27 31.533 802,012
CXL F Calix Limited 1.380 1.85 19.560 651,087
IVZ F Invictus Energy Limited 0.069 -1.43 24.668 3,749,851

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