List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
BSX F Blackstone Minerals Ltd 0.054 3.85 22.667 572,359
EMN F Euro Manganese Inc 0.078 -2.50 18.433 452,217
VRX F Ventnor Resources Ltd   0.057 7.55 51.046 291,651
NOV F Novatti Group Ltd   0.052 4.00 32.258 266,060
CXM F Centrex Metals Limited   0.053 -2.75 24.872 1,127,267
EMD F Emerald Clinics Limited 0.051 0.00 33.684 270,199
MNB F Minbos Resources Ltd   0.056 -3.45 83.676 1,141,316
PPE F People Infrastructure Ltd   0.945 5.59 15.763 333,605
BRX F Belararox Limited 0.210 -4.55 62.425 371,193
IPD F Impedimed Limited   0.080 0.00 22.148 3,264,230
HLS F Healius Ltd 1.150 4.55 18.475 3,145,483
NOX F Noxopharm Ltd   0.060 0.00 19.375 199,336
HAR F Haranga Resources Limited 0.105 5.00 32.055 191,421
WBT F Weebit Nano Ltd   2.960 -3.27 14.762 919,050
CLV F Clover Corporation Limited   0.510 -1.92 5.705 119,929
OBL F Omni Bridgeway Limited 1.150 6.48 35.903 657,487
QML F QMines Ltd 0.066 -5.71 27.157 416,234
IG6 F International Graphite Ltd 0.115 -4.17 49.860 134,455
MBH F Maggie Beer Holdings Ltd 0.076 0.00 14.430 256,482
MOZ F Mosaic Brands Limited 0.118 2.17 17.334 157,066

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