List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
ABX F Australian Bauxite Ltd   0.062 0.00 16.088 130,790
ACE C Acusensus Limited 0.675 0.00 18.986 159,278
ACF B Acrow Formwork and Construction Services Limited 1.170 -2.50 10.951 518,284
ACL D Australian Clinical Labs Limited 2.430 -2.02 6.618 494,144
ACQ F Acorn Capital Investment Fund Ltd   0.805 -1.23 8.986 112,388
ACR B Acrux Limited   0.063 1.61 14.171 1,029,348
AD8 C Audinategl Fpo   18.320 -3.48 9.852 296,703
ADH C Adairs Ltd 1.920 -9.86 17.419 714,228
ADT B Adriatic Metals PLC 4.430 -3.06 14.701 607,322
ADX D ADX Energy Limited 0.098 -2.00 27.936 3,136,195
AEE D Aura Energy Limited   0.180 -2.70 13.948 2,716,194
AEF D Australian Ethical Investment Limited   4.490 -2.39 14.365 115,242
AFG D Australian Finance Group Ltd   1.495 -0.66 10.273 589,465
AFI C Australian Foundation Investment Co.Ltd.   7.150 -1.24 3.365 403,763
AGC A Australian Gold and Copper Ltd. 0.099 6.45 38.863 169,979
AGE A Alligator Energy Ltd   0.061 -4.69 28.231 12,325,757
AGI F Ainsworth Game Technology Limited   0.960 -17.24 23.180 131,959
AGL A AGL Energy Ltd   10.350 3.40 16.343 2,357,392
AGN B Argenica Therapeutics Limited 0.615 -0.81 18.822 185,421
AGY F Argosy Minerals Limited 0.120 -4.00 16.342 3,675,277

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