List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
ACF B Acrow Formwork and Construction Services Limited 1.170 0.00 11.725 526,592
ACL D Australian Clinical Labs Limited 2.450 0.00 6.304 425,109
ACQ F Acorn Capital Investment Fund Ltd   0.835 0.00 9.402 110,444
ACR B Acrux Limited   0.061 0.00 13.826 1,038,890
ACU D Acumentis Group Limited 0.070 0.00 32.950 158,320
AD8 C Audinategl Fpo   17.160 0.00 11.051 286,393
ADH C Adairs Ltd 1.955 0.00 17.063 578,909
ADT A Adriatic Metals PLC 4.590 0.00 10.908 627,246
ADX D ADX Energy Limited 0.094 0.00 36.784 3,083,928
AEE F Aura Energy Limited   0.180 0.00 12.070 2,748,210
AEF D Australian Ethical Investment Limited   4.510 0.00 12.474 116,954
AEI B Aeris Environmental Ltd   0.062 0.00 20.390 206,307
AFG D Australian Finance Group Ltd   1.460 0.00 6.255 290,496
AFI C Australian Foundation Investment Co.Ltd.   7.210 0.00 2.363 394,102
AGC A Australian Gold and Copper Ltd. 0.245 0.00 152.532 548,964
AGE B Alligator Energy Ltd   0.059 0.00 26.871 11,709,426
AGI D Ainsworth Game Technology Limited   0.930 0.00 44.987 140,110
AGL A AGL Energy Ltd   10.360 0.00 17.729 2,381,769
AGN A Argenica Therapeutics Limited 0.710 0.00 26.286 201,668
AGY D Argosy Minerals Limited 0.130 0.00 15.180 3,497,099

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