List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
BB1 B BLINKLAB FPO 0.375 0.00 0.000 338,470
CSC B CAPSTONE CDI 1:1 11.800 0.00 0.000 532,947
TEA D Tasmea Ltd 1.575 0.00 0.000 334,988
LMS B Litchfield Minerals Limited 0.200 0.00 0.000 401,734
CSR A CSR Limited   8.900 0.00 0.671 2,909,358
ABC A Adelaide Brighton Ltd.   3.180 0.00 1.151 2,113,669
GCI B GRYPHON CAPITAL INCOME TRUST 2.020 0.00 1.555 414,985
PPC B Peet Limited   1.195 0.00 1.627 124,128
MEA A Mcgrath Ltd   0.600 0.00 1.636 294,272
ARG C Argo Investments Limited   8.660 0.00 2.016 250,435
DJW B Djerriwarrh Investments Limited 2.970 0.00 2.057 134,226
AFI C Australian Foundation Investment Co.Ltd.   7.210 0.00 2.291 393,491
IOD D Iodm Ltd   0.190 0.00 2.312 239,977
VUK B Virgin Money UK PLC 4.050 0.00 2.634 3,523,846
WMA C Wam Alternative Assets Limited 0.975 0.00 2.686 192,993
LFS D Latitude Group Holdings Limited 1.155 0.00 2.694 231,313
ALU A Altium Limited   66.830 0.00 2.760 726,428
COL C Coles Group Limited 16.300 0.00 2.828 2,719,263
WLE A Wam Leaders Ltd   1.410 0.00 2.898 1,080,373
BKI D Bki Investment Co Ltd   1.690 0.00 2.942 372,525

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