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List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
EVN B Evolution Mining Ltd 3.860 -1.78 11.905 10,410,343
SCG C Scentre Group 3.200 -1.84 4.831 10,336,385
ARU B Arafura Resources Limited   0.205 2.50 11.728 9,194,176
RSG B Resolute Mining Limited 0.470 -3.09 19.822 9,004,845
BRN D Brainchip Holdings Ltd   0.265 1.92 31.530 8,996,966
VCX C Vicinity Centres Re Ltd 1.935 -2.03 4.798 8,906,493
BPT B Beach Energy Ltd   1.690 -1.17 14.939 8,905,223
AMP C AMP Limited   1.090 -1.36 5.345 8,859,332
STX F Strike Energy Ltd   0.215 -4.44 22.103 8,643,372
LRS B Latin Resources Ltd   0.255 10.87 34.858 8,493,872
BHP B BHP Billiton Limited   44.890 0.79 9.277 8,400,657
DRO B DroneShield Ltd   0.900 -2.70 33.170 8,398,114
APX F Appen Ltd   0.650 -2.26 17.139 8,123,749
QAN B Qantas Airways Limited 6.110 -0.65 12.716 8,008,256
TIE B Tietto Minerals Limited 0.665 -0.75 7.931 7,859,033
STO C Santos Ltd   7.550 -1.69 6.069 7,649,759
HGO B Hillgrove Resources Limited   0.085 2.41 20.823 7,364,595
NIC A NICKEL MINES LIMITED 1.020 3.03 20.657 7,274,786
SBM B St Barbara Ltd 0.275 3.77 22.348 6,966,657
JMS B Jupiter Mines Ltd 0.360 4.35 40.604 6,745,236

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