List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
SCG B Scentre Group 3.260 2.84 5.010 10,415,506
BRN D Brainchip Holdings Ltd   0.260 -1.89 32.981 9,319,597
RSG A Resolute Mining Limited 0.485 6.59 18.906 9,163,746
ARU B Arafura Resources Limited   0.200 2.56 9.669 9,129,911
AMP C AMP Limited   1.105 1.38 6.334 8,941,573
VCX C Vicinity Centres Re Ltd 1.975 2.60 4.940 8,917,565
BPT B Beach Energy Ltd   1.710 -2.01 14.577 8,892,197
STX F Strike Energy Ltd   0.225 -8.16 21.895 8,634,616
DRO B DroneShield Ltd   0.925 -2.12 33.374 8,476,967
LRS C Latin Resources Ltd   0.230 -8.00 36.626 8,449,215
BHP B BHP Billiton Limited   44.540 1.02 9.063 8,399,168
QAN B Qantas Airways Limited 6.150 -0.49 14.190 8,191,123
APX F Appen Ltd   0.665 9.02 17.444 8,183,287
STO A Santos Ltd   7.680 -0.52 5.939 7,649,682
HGO B Hillgrove Resources Limited   0.083 -5.68 19.430 7,347,023
NIC A NICKEL MINES LIMITED 0.990 1.02 20.885 7,189,352
SBM B St Barbara Ltd 0.265 0.00 22.632 7,064,479
TIE A Tietto Minerals Limited 0.670 0.00 8.300 7,016,776
JMS B Jupiter Mines Ltd 0.345 -5.48 39.674 6,674,307
WBC B Westpac Banking Corp   26.730 1.40 10.556 6,559,564

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