ID8 Stock Discussion

identitii Ltd. Description

identitii ltd is an Australia-based software company. The Company provides enterprise software products and services for the financial services industry. The Company offers Serra application that uses blockchain technology to enable the collection and sharing of Know Your Transaction information. Serra’s core technology is arranged into five layers of services include integration, financial services, database and core, interchange, and secure private blockchain. Integration service converts financial messages from existing payment networks and custom message types within a financial institution’s infrastructure to a format usable by Serra. Financial Services handles any functionality or logic specific to the Financial Services Industry. Database and Core is responsible for storing documents, their metadata, relationships, access logs and audit trail. Secure private blockchain enables the verification of content exchanged between parties.

Sector: Technology
Industry: Software - Application
Keywords: Software Infrastructure Financial Services Computing Payment Digital Technology Enterprise Software Blockchain Cryptocurrencies Encodings Verification Blockchain Technology Messages Payment Networks