List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
WTM D Waratah Minerals Limited 0.105 -4.55 0.000 323,798
TEA C Tasmea Ltd 1.670 0.00 0.000 429,318
BB1 C BLINKLAB FPO 0.375 -1.32 0.000 483,733
LMS C Litchfield Minerals Limited 0.190 -9.52 0.000 650,470
CSC B CAPSTONE CDI 1:1 11.650 4.48 0.000 622,103
TM1 C Terra Metals Limited 0.060 7.14 0.000 644,835
ORP D Orpheus Uranium Limited 0.096 2.13 0.000 229,173
CSR A CSR Limited   8.880 0.00 0.850 3,236,464
ABC A Adelaide Brighton Ltd.   3.170 0.00 1.167 2,482,650
GCI A GRYPHON CAPITAL INCOME TRUST 2.040 0.00 1.536 379,729
ALU A Altium Limited   66.020 -0.03 1.637 822,687
ARG D Argo Investments Limited   8.610 0.00 1.695 243,440
MEA A Mcgrath Ltd   0.600 0.00 1.874 293,392
DJW A Djerriwarrh Investments Limited 2.990 0.67 2.269 135,033
IOD D Iodm Ltd   0.190 0.00 2.312 226,273
VUK B Virgin Money UK PLC 4.070 0.00 2.380 3,495,895
WLE B Wam Leaders Ltd   1.400 0.72 2.469 993,713
TGP A 360 Capital Group Ltd   0.645 0.00 2.521 120,757
QRI A Qualitas Real Estate Income Fund 1.625 0.00 2.552 681,350
BKI D Bki Investment Co Ltd   1.690 -0.88 2.612 375,678

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