List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
FDR F Finder Energy Holdings Ltd 0.057 0.00 24.497 131,936
SOR F Strategic Elements Ltd   0.060 0.00 8.766 260,887
MHJ F Michaelhll Fpo   0.480 0.00 25.566 120,098
AVA F Ava Risk Group Limited 0.125 0.00 12.251 363,781
FBU F Fletcher Building Limited (Australia)   2.730 0.00 42.211 826,607
MX1 F Micro-X Ltd   0.087 0.00 7.072 451,340
TVN F Tivan Limited 0.050 0.00 15.414 1,103,871
CRN F Coronado Global Resources Inc 1.130 0.00 13.210 2,562,237
ORA F Orora Ltd   2.150 0.00 5.389 6,518,979
FWD F Fleetwood Corporation Limited   1.385 0.00 26.437 124,426
LGP F Little Green Pharma Ltd 0.125 0.00 11.358 150,151
SVR F Solvar Limited 0.960 0.00 8.678 456,051
TYR F Tyro Payments Limited 0.885 0.00 11.546 2,023,587
DSK F Dusk Group Limited 0.755 0.00 7.585 169,288
DMP F Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd.   37.000 0.00 7.530 343,515
ACL F Australian Clinical Labs Limited 2.320 0.00 8.750 493,131
DHG F Domain Holdings Australia Ltd   2.900 0.00 13.883 985,121
CTD F Corporate Travel Management Ltd   14.960 0.00 5.746 603,972
LLC F Lendlease Group 6.120 0.00 8.622 1,738,648
KLS F Kelsian Group Limited 5.290 0.00 10.990 398,616

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