List of All Stocks | ASX

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
AIA F Auckland International Airport Ltd   6.830 0.00 7.072 397,409
AIS B Aeris Resources Ltd   0.335 0.00 35.483 5,635,859
AIZ D Air New Zealand Limited   0.490 0.00 10.463 879,542
AKM B Aspire Mining Ltd   0.210 0.00 24.828 293,216
ALC C Alcidion Group Ltd   0.060 0.00 41.908 1,165,976
ALK B Alkane Resources Limited   0.635 0.00 19.002 1,102,372
ALL A Aristocrat Leisure Limited   46.900 0.00 22.925 1,375,512
ALQ A ALS Ltd   13.790 0.00 8.424 901,431
ALU A Altium Limited   66.760 0.00 2.832 721,931
AMC B Amcor Limited   15.390 0.00 19.358 1,734,320
AMI A Aurelia Metals Ltd   0.210 0.00 12.064 4,032,722
AMN B Agrimin Ltd   0.270 0.00 44.624 175,841
AMP C AMP Limited   1.095 0.00 5.270 8,784,885
ANG A Austin Engineering Ltd.   0.545 0.00 12.314 1,107,744
ANN A Ansell Ltd 25.510 0.00 7.023 464,132
PER C Percheron Therapeutics Limited 0.076 0.00 19.650 1,042,109
ANZ A Australia and New Zealand Banking Group   28.180 0.00 5.150 4,739,689
AOF A Australian Unity Office Fund   1.340 0.00 9.820 197,209
APA B APA Group   8.720 0.00 9.177 2,529,132
4DS F 4DS Memory Ltd   0.078 0.00 20.290 3,610,383

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